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Goddess Trials Page 5
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Page 5
Shaskia stopped her madness and shouted, “It’s time to light the pyre.” Levios stood from the Elder's table and very mechanically made his way to the funeral pyre. The magic around Keenan flickered before dropping away altogether. The pyre went up fast. There wasn’t anything slow about it. It wasn’t meant to be a show or to be enjoyed. It was still burning slightly when I walked away. Jessa was quick on my heels with Shaskia rambling on and on about what needed to happen.
That was when I had had enough. I stopped and threw my hands up. “Jessa will be staying with me tonight. We will be traveling to Mount Olympus tomorrow, and we will get all of this over and done with, together.”
Shaskia rolled her eyes at me in the typical Jessa fashion. “Vetoed. Jessa will stay in my cottage. Cristoff will stay with you.”
“I’m genuinely surprised, I figured he would be staying with you.” I crossed my arms over my chest.
“You better mind me, boy. I may not look old enough to be your grandmother, but I’ll put you in your place quick.” She looked to Jessa and rubbed her eyes. “I’m willing to compromise. Jessa will stay with me but, you are welcome to stay on my couch.”
I complied with Shaskia’s rules even though I didn’t like them. Shaskia was always in charge, and I had learned that at a young age. She was influential beyond anyone’s measure, and she was always in the know.
When I was little before my father had scooped me away, I had heard the older kids talking. They had spoken about how they had seen her on the cliffs with the gods, how she conspired with them. I had never believed it till I had seen it with my own eyes. She had been with Artemis, I hadn’t known at the time, but it makes sense now. Artemis had been crying, and Shaskia had held her on the cliffs.
That was the day my father had ripped me and my life apart by taking me from the Valley. His words had echoed through my mind for years. “These people worship the gods, they pay their dues, and they don’t know that the gods are just as broken as we are.”
I had tried to push the subject farther, I had wanted to get him to explain, but he just shook his head and set his mouth in a grim line. From that day forward my father had trained me like he hated me. He pushed and forced my shifts, and he didn’t understand them. If I had wondered if my mother had loved me; it would have broken me and my beast. Imagining my mother throughout my childhood was the only thing that had kept me going. If I thought she hated me too; I would have been lost.
Chapter 8
I discarded the dress onto the bed and pulled my hair into a loose bun on top of my head. I looked in the mirror over the bed and groaned, makeup everywhere. There were two doors in the room, so I assumed one had to be the bathroom. The first time I chose correctly. I discovered that Shaskia had once again pulled all the stops for my comfort. There was a stack of towels next to the tub and once again, oils and soaps stacked high in the huge shower.
Oh, how I wanted the pleasure of a bath, but as I thought of all the work that would go into the tub, I quickly changed my mind. I tried to get in and get out. I scrubbed my face and body, trying to rid myself of everything that had happened.
Especially the Perseus fiasco. I should have known better than to trust someone that gorgeous. Of course, he was that pretty, his father was Zeus. I scrubbed my face and my neck some more.
Stupid gods.
Stupid Demigods.
Stupid all of it.
I pulled my hair free from the ponytail and scrubbed my long tresses. By the time I was finished, I had slid down the side of the shower wall and let the water beat on me. I rested my forehead on my bended knees and tried to find the strength to stand up. The water continued to come down on me even when it turned cold, but I didn’t have the energy to change it. Goosebumps took over my body, but I still couldn’t rise.
It seemed like centuries later that I heard a knock on the door. I couldn’t even lift my head up. I figured it was Shaskia and didn’t mind her coming in, but when I heard the door crash open, I knew it was someone else.
Any other time, any other day I would have been quick to cover myself, but as the water came down on me, I couldn’t think of a reason why I should hide myself.
“Oh gods, Jessa!” Crawley’s voice echoed through the bathroom, panicked. I was surprised Shaskia wasn’t here yet. She would have heard the crash, I was sure of it.
The water squeaked off, and I still couldn’t move. My body ached, and exhaustion pulled at my mind. I so desperately wanted to succumb to the sleep that beckoned to me. I felt the insanely soft towel wrap around my shoulders before I was pulled from the shower floor.
“I swear, I’m doing all of this blind.” Crawley carried me out of the bathroom and laid me on the bed. My eyes had closed a long time ago. I wouldn’t have known if he had been lying or not. “Jessa, say something, please.”
I couldn’t open my mouth, I couldn’t shake my head, and I most certainly couldn’t speak. Then I got an idea from my foggy brain.
Crawley! Get Shaskia, I’m tired. So tired.
He jumped on the bed as my words slammed into his mind. “Ugh, I don’t know where she is! I don’t want to leave you.”
Just go! Hurry.
He scrambled off the bed, and pretty soon, I heard the front door slam closed. As I drifted off to sleep, I wondered where Shaskia had run off to.
Chapter 9
Out of all the things Shaskia could have been doing, I would have never imagined what I had stumbled upon. She had her lips locked tight on Cristoff’s. If I hadn’t been desperate, I would have made a sly comment or thrown up or possibly both.
“Shaskia, for the god's sake, this is what you have been doing!” Startled by my voice, Shaskia ripped herself away from Cristoff and gave me a glare.
“What could you possibly need? I even gave you and Jessa the house, to yourselves.” She planted her fists on her hips.
“That’s very, um, thoughtful?” I tried to imagine how could have gone differently if Jessa hadn’t been a statue in the shower but all I could see were her scars stretched across her back. “Jessa needs you.”
She straightened to attention then. “What’s happened?”
“I don’t know, she was in the cold shower and couldn’t move, she can’t speak!” My voice was a panicked mess.
“Perseus!” She shouted to the sky. She then marched back to her cottage without a second glance to Cristoff or myself. I followed behind her like a puppy.
She threw her front door open and ran to Jessa’s side. “Damn him, all of them!” She pointed to the heavens.
“Can you give me some hint of what is happening?” I sat on the corner of the bed and took Jessa’s hand in mine.
“Perseus. He did this.” She shook her head. “Sometimes gods and Demigods forget their strengths around others. If Jessa had been a mortal, she would have died. He took some of her essence.”
I knew the pretty boy had been too good to be true. “So, what do we do?”
“We wait. I have summoned him to return. He’s dragging his feet, I’m sure.” Just as she finished speaking, there was a pop in the air around us, and there he was.
“Daughter of Athena, you requested my presence?” Perseus didn’t even look to Jessa on the bed, but when Shaskia pointed to her, his eyes grew wide.
“Did your father request this? Afraid he would be dethroned by a mere Demigod?” Shaskia folded her arms over her chest, trying to show indifference.
He stammered, “No- no! This was my reckless behavior. I’m terribly sorry. I thought something was off when I felt so energized as I returned home. Arousal can sometimes make the effects worse.” He clenched his jaw. “My father would strike me if he thought I had done this on purpose. He sent me down to invite her to Olympus, but she was too radiant to just invite.”
“Of course, the truth always comes out.” I laughed, harshly. “You wanted her virtue. Guess that makes sense. Zeus never knew how to keep it in his pants.”
“Nothing of the sort. I’ve heard stories of her bravery. I’ve heard the Fates whispering of her victories. I’m just as curious and enamored as anyone else.” Perseus said, defeated.
I wanted to call him out and argue, but I knew Jessa needed what he had taken from her. I swept my hand to the side to let him know I was cordial for Jessa’s sake. Though the way he had been dancing with her was still making my beast anxious. He growled low when Perseus finally passed me. I could smell his fear, and it fueled me more.
“You and I shouldn’t have troubles, we are in fact family. You are Zeus’ offspring just as much as I am.” He laid his hand on Jessa’s neck and the color returned back to her body. She almost sparkled. “A little extra for all the trouble.” He winked then he was gone.
Shaskia looked to be holding her breath. Then I remembered what Perseus had said. Daughter of Athena. She gave me a panicked look.
“You’re going to have to tell her. You’re a god, just like all the rest of them.” She opened her mouth to reply, but I just shook my head. “Save it. Save it for your granddaughter.”
Chapter 10
I felt better than I had in a long time. I couldn’t remember much from the night before, but I could recall that Crawley had seen me naked or maybe not, if he had been telling the truth. I had woken up fully clothed and imagined that was because of Shaskia.
I had breakfast waiting for me in the kitchen, and everyone was quiet. Then all hell broke loose. “I kissed Shaskia!”
“We need to talk!”
“We are not going to Olympus!”
I wasn’t sure which sentence scared me more. Shaskia was glaring at Cristoff for his outburst. Crawley was frowning at his eggs, and I imagined the absolute worst. I grabbed a cinnamon roll and tried to not think while I finished it off.
“Why don’t we talk first?” Shaskia watched me with careful, calculating eyes.
“I’m sure our conversation will clear the air for everyone anyway.” Crawley still wasn’t looking at me.
What was his problem?
Shaskia led me out to a stone bench a little ways from her cottage. I was the one to break the silence. “What’s going on?”
“Last night I had to summon Perseus.” She pulled at the hem of her shirt.
“Is that what all of this is about? Crawley is jealous of Perseus now?” I wanted to laugh but figured it wasn’t the right time to do so.
“Kind of. Perseus was the reason for your problems last night. He says it wasn’t on purpose, but I wonder his intentions.”
“....and you kissed Cristoff...” I was trying to lead the conversation in the direction I thought it was supposed to go, but all Shaskia did was roll her eyes.
“...and you have known I’m not your grandmother for a while now. I’m sure you’ve had your questions.”
Oh, man.
I wanted to go back to the kissing conversation. I wasn’t ready for this one. I would have rathered to have the kissing one any day.
“My real name is Shaskia, but other gods have called me by my title: Daughter of Athena.” She looked away as her words sunk in.
“You’re a demigod or a god?”
“From what I know, I am a god, though I don’t know who my father is.” Her eyes were sad.
“So, why are you here?” I was trying to fill in as many holes as I could.
“Because Artemis raised me. Athena gave me up to her, as a gift for all Artemis had lost.”
I processed what she said but couldn’t quite wrap my head around it. “How old are you?”
“I was born right after Apollo took Artemis’ daughter. I’ve watched and listened to Artemis speak of your ancestors for a very long time. Artemis was never a mother to me though, she was the god that protected me and raised me. I always knew from a young age who she was.”
I nodded my head. As much as I thought I would be upset over the fact that she was a god, I wasn’t. I didn’t mind, and it didn’t change any of my thoughts of her. She was still one of the constants in my life. She had done so much for me and whether or not she was mortal was not going to change that.
I had always known she had been different, had been more than just human. There was a part of me that was ready for this, that had always suspected. This news couldn’t have come at a better time.
I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight. Her eyes went wide with shock. We weren’t the most affectionate of people. I wasn’t raised to be coddled. I hadn’t been raised with lots of love and kisses, but I didn’t mind it. She closed her eyes and hugged me back.
“I was afraid,” She paused and considered her words. “Crawley seemed to make it worse. The gods have always caused so much turmoil in your life, I didn’t want you to lump me with all those fools.”
“I would never do that. You have always been different. You trained me and taught me to make my own decisions. You never made me feel inadequate.”
Our departure was very similar to the last but not as many saw us off. Cristoff had decided to stay behind and when I looked to her with caution; she shooed me away. She informed me she was wise beyond her years and her last screw up wouldn’t control her life. Whatever that meant. We had our flights booked, and our bags packed. Shaskia had been adamant on me bringing the dress but then decided I needed others too.
I had thought I would have been carrying 50 lbs up the mountain but when I grabbed my bag; it was as light as a feather. Shaskia winked at me, and I knew it was all her, just like her closet. Crawley had shoved all the remaining clothes he had into my bag, and we were about ready to leave. Prometheus stood next to Crawley’s mother, and Shaskia was next to her. Cristoff stood behind them with a goofy grin on his face, like he won the lottery. I looked at Shaskia and smiled, he had won the lottery. Cristoff’s face turned pink as he heard my thoughts.
Prometheus shook Crawley’s hand before speaking. “You should know why you are bound for Olympus.”
Crawley made a face. “Excuse me?”
“I left the celebration for my son last night. You couldn’t find me because I wasn’t here.” Mira closed her eyes as if she were afraid of what he was about to say. “For many years, I thought I wasn’t capable of having a future. I fell in love with your mother, and I spiraled. I didn’t think of the consequences of my love. I didn’t think of what could come of what we were doing.” Prometheus pulled Mira close. “When I saw my son for the first time, it brought a new purpose in my life. I had to know that Zeus wouldn’t take it all from me. I traveled the world looking for other gods, gods that had gone into hiding or gods that just wanted to live their lives amongst the humans and they all knew of my escape. Each told me different stories about how Zeus had reacted, but the conclusions were all the same. Zeus no longer cared. I had served my sentence.”
“What does this have to do with us going to Mount Olympus?” Crawley narrowed his eyes at the man before him.
“Years wasted over my fear of Zeus and when I finally return... I find my only son is dead at the hands of a god. Anger isn’t something I’m familiar with, but I stormed through Olympus, and I did it for Keenan. Vengeance.” Prometheus turned on his heel and walked away.
Shaskia looked at me with sad eyes and pulled me in for a hug. “Don’t fear. What I gathered from Prometheus is: this is going to be a very welcoming visit.”
Bags were checked, and we waited. Crawley was bent on getting burgers and fries again, just like our first flight together. He said it was for good luck, but I wasn’t going to be participating in that ritual. Plus, the grease would have killed my stomach before boarding the plane. I was no longer a nervous flyer, but I was still getting butterflies of the thought. I touched the scar stretching across my stomach.
Crawley munched happily on his burger, and I checked the big screen across from us for our flight information. We had a few more hours to go before we would board. Annoyed, I asked, “Tell me again why we couldn’t have taken a portal?”
Crawley swallowed before
answering. “You’ve never been to Greece, and you want to take a portal?” He scoffed. “You are too entitled.”
“It’s a 20-hour trip.”
He pointed at me with his French fry. “It has two stops.”
“One in Canada and one in Russia?” I squinted at my ticket.
“I know you haven’t been to either of those places. More sightseeing!” He sounded overjoyed. All I could think of was the flight ahead of us and the lack of sleep I was going to get.
“We’ve been traveling by portals a lot lately. We need to do something Apollo won’t suspect. I know we aren’t exactly on his radar right now but just in case.” Crawley shoved the rest of his burger into his mouth while pleading with me with his eyes.
I crossed my arms over my chest. “Fine.” He did have a point. I pulled a granola bar out of my bag and chewed on it loudly in his face before leaning back and trying to concentrate on something else.
Our stop in Canada had been brief. Our previous flight had been late, so we rushed to make it on to the next one. Crawley had barely helped me keep up. He glanced back a few times before pausing to let me catch up a few steps before taking off again. Once we had boarded the plane, we could finally breathe again. My face was probably horrified. I would have much rathered a portal to all of this. I pushed my hair back from my face and tried to get comfortable. It was impossible after all the running we had done.
I picked at my hot meal and didn’t say anything when Crawley scarfed his down. I had never seen someone eat as much as he had. I stared out at the clouds below us and felt sick to my stomach. I thought I had been fine to fly but now? Not so much.